Although digital advertising, SEO, and Custom Content are very good at improving your website’s traffic, Facebook has always been a great traffic generator for any business. According to Shareholic, Facebook drives more traffic to a website than any other social network today. These social networks include Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, etc. There are quite a few benefits to drive traffic from Facebook.
- Your website will have more opportunities to convert visitors into customers. Since, you’re getting the interested audience from Facebook, unlike other traffic-boosting options, your chances of converting them will be much better.
- Increased traffic always helps in ranking. That means your chances of getting discovered by web surfers will increase.
- With more people coming to your website, those who’re landing directly via search engines or PPC ads, can check your Facebook page and become FB followers.
So, getting traffic from Facebook offers multiple advantages to your online business.
How to Get Started

There are loads of convincing proofs of how businesses have benefited from these tactics. And when you think about getting traffic for Free, it will be worth trying.
So, first of all, you need to understand how Facebook and your website are linked. Your Facebook page is just like an event happening in your backyard, or front lawn, while your website is the building where everything runs. Facebook page is a place to introduce yourself to the audience.
By getting to know you on your page, they can decide whether they should go on and start a relationship.
- Some of them will feel connected to your product and they’d immediately book an appointment then and there.
- Most of the audience will take some time to do so. Meanwhile, they’ll learn about you and reach to the decision whether to proceed further.
Your business page on Facebook opens doors to your practice. It’s like an opportunity for the people to peek inside and see for themselves what you’re up to.
So, the secret is to make your page accessible to the people and provide as many opportunities to connect as possible.
Page Optimization for Website Clicks

Put the link to the homepage on the appropriate places of your Facebook page. For example:
- The about tab
- Every event page
- Each post that sends an invitation to visit the website
Meanwhile, don’t forget about the Milestone.
- If the milestone says, “Moved to New Address” there must be a link that leads the audience to the specific direction-page on your website.
- If the milestone is about offering a new service, your website’s service page should be linked with it.
Add a CTA button to your profile page. Facebook offers this button right next to the Like button, on top of the profile page. Link the CTA to the best page on your website – mostly a homepage. Another benefit of the CTA button is, people can reach you via email, phone, or messenger. Or they can book a service.
Post Fresh Blog Content Consistently
By consistently posting fresh and engaging content from your website is probably the best ploy to drive organic Facebook traffic to your site for Free. If you keep posting engaging content on other’s blogs or channels, you’re actually diverting traffic to their websites.
The key is to consistently upload engaging content, whether videos, tutorials, images, text-based articles to your website so that you’ll have many opportunities to share this content on Facebook.
So, even if your blogging consistently just to give yourself more opportunities to post fresh content on your Facebook page, you’re actually giving Google more opportunities to rank you better.
Optimize Content
When you share anything on your website, on your Facebook page, make it easier for the audience to share it on their respective pages. You can add a social sharing button to your blog posts because visitors can share the content on their timeline with a simple click. Take a look at the sharing functionality on Facebook Help.
Add Big Images

It’s a no-brainer to include images that increase your engagement. People interact differently with image-based posts.
They’ll simply Like the post. If they feel like sharing their thoughts, they add comments.
Plus, photo-based posts often get more shares and clicks than other content-forms, because most of the Facebook users are mobile users and they’re happy with images compared to long videos or text-based posts.
The image should utilize every pixel allowed by Facebook. The standard allowance for photos on Facebook is 1200 x 628 pixels. So, make sure your image fits perfectly into the slot.
You can make your image cleaner and crispier by doubling the pixel dimensions. But make sure that the image must have a 150 DPI ratio (dots per inch). In this way, when the image undergoes Facebook’s compression, it will not lose its crisp.
Compelling Text
You can win or lose the ‘clicking opportunity’ because of the text you post on Facebook.
The descriptive content should have enough information, (and compelling information) that the reader should feel like clicking on it to visit your website from Facebook.
At the same time, your text should not sound spammy. So, what should you do?
Here are some tactics:
- The content should not be a clickbait. There should be strong reasons for the visitor to stay for a while and move forward into your website’s conversion funnel. If the visitor clicks the image, comes to your website and leaves immediately, it’s a bad indicator for Facebook as well as your website’s overall ranking.
- Writing in all-caps kills the smoothness of the text. It’s almost equal to shouting. So, don’t use all-caps unless it’s an odd post stressing on something really important.
- Your writing should be friendly and conversational. Write the way you talk to your guests in a front lawn barbecue. Add humor where needed. Make it sound like you’re chatting.
- Blog titles should be engaging and compelling. The blog title appears in your FB posts by default. So make your blog titles irresistible to get click-throughs.
The Best Part – Getting Relevant Traffic to Your Website

Your website is niche-specific, right? So, you want interested people, half-converted. That means, you’ve done your research into the audience and you have a base of potential customers who’re more likely to get converted than ordinary FB users.
We’re about to disclose a high-potential Facebook Traffic Stealing tactics that can increase traffic as well as conversion multi-folds. So, brace yourself for it.
How to Get Half-Converted Audience
For this purpose, you have to do your homework first. Just follow these quick ’n’ easy steps.
- Do your research on the industry’s top influencers and niche leaders. You may want to follow some of them (at least 10). These top leaders will have a great number of followers who are consistently interacting with their posts.
- First, you have to find the post with the highest engagements. Getting such posts will be quite easy since you’re on their Facebook page.
- Secondly, you need to make sure that the posts are related to what you sell. And the audience comments are indicating a certain problem that’s more likely to be solved by your product.
- Take a moment and note down all those people who’ve interacted with such posts.
- Send them invitations to visit your page. The message should address their problem and how your product can solve those problems.
- You may want to spend a week or two to send highly targeted invites, plus a few more days to build a list of followers and subscribers who are more than likely to convert.
- Sending resolutions to those people in private, or mentioning their problems in your posts makes more sense as you can get a more desirable response from such posts.
- Don’t forget to update your website according to the specific needs of these potential customers. So, when you send a link to your page, they get the answer to their query.
And Voilà!
You’ll get targeted (free) traffic to your website thanks to Facebook.